Suck It Up, Buttercup


One Suck It Up, Buttercup soap bar



Suck It Up, Buttercup: a Utopia Soap bar inspired by my days in U.S. Army basic training. When I was crawling through yards of mud on the obstacle course or sweating buckets under a blazing sun and the load of a heavy backpack on a 5-mile road march, I sure could have used this bar of soap.

Life is more tame these days, but it still throws all of us a curveball now and then. If you need to stiffen your back a little bit (like I did when I was nose-to-nose with a screaming drill sergeant), Suck It Up, Buttercup is just what you need as a reminder every time you wash your hands.

Or maybe you know someone who needs a little encouragement. Got a friend who’s dieting? Send a motivational gift that won’t tempt anybody’s tastebuds.

This is the first time this soap has been offered, and supply is very limited.

Each Suck It Up, Buttercup soap is made from a few simple ingredients:
– olive oil
– coconut oil
– fresh goat’s milk from my neighbor’s goat farm
– Utopia Soap’s fresh, clean signature scent

Ships via USPS First-Class mail.

From my hands to yours,
Cindy Dunn