About Utopia Soaps

Utopia: an ideal place or state of mind.

Utopia is different for each of us. Maybe yours is gently swinging in a hammock for a half hour on a summer day.

OK, who are we kidding? Utopia is shutting the bathroom door and getting three minutes of peace and quiet from your kids.

Or shutting off your phone to give your brain a rest from texts or Facebook.

Maybe it’s eating your lunch outside on a sunny day instead of working at your desk.

Another little bit of utopia is taking care of your skin with a simple, natural bar of soap. Made from fresh ingredients, like creamy whole milk yogurt, or the goat’s milk from my neighbor’s farm down the road (if the milk was any fresher, it’d still be inside the goat). Some olive oil. Coconut oil. A little bit of fragrance.

That’s it. What is all that other stuff in store-bought soaps and body washes? When you’re born, you get just one set of skin, and it holds all of you in. I don’t want to use mystery ingredients or harsh chemicals on my body.

When I started Utopia Soaps in the summer of 2018, I wanted to do one thing: make beautiful, useful, simple and natural soaps that look good, feel good, and are good for you. A little everyday luxury.

Want to know more about me–Cindy, the soap wrangler? Come on over here.

# of ingredients in every Utopia soap

# of different Utopia Soap designs

# of things on my "utopia" list (hint: chocolate is in the top 2)
