There aren’t enough hours in the day, are there? Work, errands, spending time with the people we love, making dinner…binge watching (oh, the binge watching!).

I understand, about not having enough time. I’m Cindy, the chief soap wrangler at Utopia Soaps. Actually, I’m the only soap wrangler. 🙂  I’ve been making soap for a few months now for the Mark Jones Fundraiser (more info here). You could say I’m “awash” with soap! (Seriously, it’s stacked all over the place in my little soap room.) It’s happening this November 3, from 9 AM to noon at the Market Days on Broadway here in Columbus, Georgia.

If you’re in the area, I hope you’ll come out and say hi, and pick up a lovely soap or two for a good cause.

So for now, the online shop option for soaps is closed. If you can’t make it to the fundraiser and you want to know when you can order some soaps online–join our mailing list! I’ll let you know.